We hear it everyday, a lingering question buried in the hearts of many students nervous to take next steps: Should I go straight to college? Take a gap year? Go on a short term missions trip or take 5 months to do a YWAM DTS ? Of course we’d be so excited for you to do a DTS! But what we want even more for you is to hear God's voice, and walk in His direction. We want you to step into your future with confidence, to fully understand your identity, and to know who God is. Though this may not give you a direct yes or no answer, our desire is to point you towards the Lord and hopefully it will give you some advice on hearing God’s voice in the midst of a tough decision.
Don't let this question consume you or trap you. Take a day or even a few hours and go somewhere to spend alone time with God. Give Him your time, clearing your head and your heart. Journaling and reading the bible are perfect ways to release anxieties you might be holding, and to let Him into the decision. Don't look directly for an answer, but simply look for Him. In seeking Him, He will reveal Himself, and in turn reveal His desires for you.
Fully free your heart to what He might say. Are you holding back? Are you asking Him this question but afraid of what He might ask of you? Fully trust Him, even when it's scary. Ask Him with an open heart and allow His words to speak louder than your own. He has given you the choice and the responsibility to follow His plan, but you need to leave Him the room to say yes or no to either option.
Why do you want to go to university or into missions? Maybe you feel pressure from friends, parents, or the society we live in. Look for God’s opinion, and not that of those around you. What has God spoken to you in the past? What has God given you a passion or a heart for? He wants the absolute best for you, and gave you those passions for a purpose.
Of course not! When you’re in missions, you are constantly challenged to grow in wisdom, maturity, responsibility, love for God and love for others. Lecture phase is geared towards equipping you with knowledge and growth, while being transformed by the unbounding love of Christ. The outreach portion will be an intense experience in full time ministry, and the places you'll go and the stories you'll have will be anything but typical! DTS provides an experience that fills you with the understanding of who God truly is, so that you may go out and represent the fullness of His character.
We've had many students go to college after DTS, or do a DTS after college. It's a tool to equip you with a solid foundation with the Lord. It can even be a break between years in college to get pointed back in the right direction! There's nothing we love more in missions than a person who can bring a skill, and with it, help those who most need it. Maybe you know exactly what skill or profession you want to bring into the mission field, or maybe you're unsure. Experiencing missions firsthand will help you to see and understand the need in the world. In DTS, your passions will not only be defined more clearly, but allow your heart to burn deeper for the call He has placed upon your life. Further education will then help prepare you to fill that need! So yes, you can absolutely do both.
A YWAM DTS is not the be-all-end-all of being a Christ follower, but it is an incredible platform which God uses to bring truth, restoration, and identity to His children, and to the nations. So if you’re stepping into university, knowing strongly that the Lord has called you there, then we root you on! We are beyond excited for all He will do with your life. But if you want to take 5 months to better equip yourself of the knowledge of what missions is truly like, come join us. If you’re unsure, afraid, or lost; consider spending time knowing who God is and knowing who you are. Who you were made to be. Once He's spoken; GO! Don't wait. Fill out that application with the full knowledge of His desires for you, and get excited for the incredible adventure He's about to take you on.
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