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10 Ways to Know You Have the Heart of a Missionary

Alessandra Bacio March 4, 2020
Young YWAM missionary speaking to a group of children while doing ministry in Mexico


You grew up knowing life would be packed full of adventure, risk, and following the call of God. He placed a desire within you to make His name known, and now it the time to carry the love of Christ to the nations! 

Make Your Gap Year Unforgettable

1. You desire an intimate and deep relationship with God

Spending alone time with God are some of your favorite times. You long to understand God more and more, and to hear him speak. You deeply believe that the fullness you experience starts through your connection with him.

2. You want to share the love of Christ with others

You know God's love satisfies and heals hearts. You desire to share the joy and love of God with those around you because you know Jesus is Lord and Savior, and he redeemed us to share everlasting life with him! You celebrate in the Good News and can't help sharing it! 

Kids ministry photo

3. You're willing to live on the other side of the world

São Paulo, Tokyo, Cairo, or New York—no matter where it is, you're willing to go as long as God's the one telling you where you need to be.

4. You like adventure and "normal life" scares you

You believe every day carries the potential for a big adventure. It's exciting for you to imagine how extraordinary things can happen in any moment and in any place.

Lakes and hills

5. You Feel Like You're Made for Something More

You don't simply exist to exist! God has called you to live in perfect unity with Him and be filled with joy in simply imagining being part of something much bigger than your own life, but life with God. 

6. You Enjoy Helping Others

Something moves in your heart whenever you see someone in need; whether physical or of the soul, there is no denying the feeling that it's there. You know there are ways to help and you yearn to play an active part in changing lives.

10 Ways to Know You Have the Heart of a Missionary

7. You Love to Discover New Places

When it comes to traveling, you love to think like a traveler and not like a tourist. You love to see how people really live. Spending time with the locals gives you true vision into the place you're in.

8. You Love New Cultures

It's so valuable to you to be able to live right in the middle of a new culture. You love chatting with people from different countries and learning about their cultures. You see diversity like a great treasure, revealing to you how incredibly creative our God is.

10 Ways to Know You Have the Heart of a Missionary

9. You Care More About Experiences Than Material Things

To feel the kindness of someone you just met, to experience love that has no language barrier, or to give a hug to a Syrian boy who would travel to another country to gain his freedom; these are a few things money cannot buy. They make you realize that this is what life is really about.

10. You Believe That With God, Nothing Is Impossible

You've seen things that the world calls "impossible" become reality. You've seen or long to see miracles happen. You believe God heals depression, sickness, physical and emotional pains. You believe God is does the impossible through anyone. 

"What is impossible with man is possible with God - declared Jesus"
Luke 18:27

Now, you have the opportunity to come and write your own story

You could say to God, "here I am, send me!"

It is the most amazing adventure you could ever live to have. 

Become a Missionary

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