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Bible School for the Nations: Genesis

Kara Hart November 27, 2014


The Bible School for the Nations is a 6-month course designed for those that are interested in deepening their understanding of the the Bible. You will learn how to effectively disciple the nations and apply Biblical truth to every area of society. You will develop comprehensive tools that will aid in a lifetime of studying the Bible.

You might be asking yourself: "I've read the Bible before. What more could I learn in a 6-month school?" Or even, "What kinds of things would they actually teach in class?"

Below you will find an example of the kind of teaching you will receive through the BSN. We will take a brief overview of Genesis, keeping in mind its historical context and the author's intended meaning, and pull out deep spiritual truths. If the information below interests you and you'd like to learn more, The Bible School for the Nations is the right school for you.



The name comes from the Greek Word gignesthai which means ‘to be born or produced’. The Hebrew title of the book is ‘bereshit’ which means “in the beginning”, the first word of the book.

The author of Genesis was Moses, and it was most likely written between 1446 BC and 1406 BC, before Moses died.

The purpose of Genesis is to narrate the beginnings of all things, of the nations, and of God’s people, Israel. This book covers more time then any other book in the Bible.

The style is primarily a narrative written in Hebrew.

A book of creation and beginnings

In Genesis, we can see our design and purpose is to reflect God as human beings. Having been created in His image and likeness, we have a mind with the ability to reason, think, dream, focus, remember, and imagine. We also have a strong emotional component to our beings, and these emotions give us the ability to enjoy and experience life. God has also given us free will; we can make decisions independent of our emotions, and instead be guided by reason and truth. We have the ability to create with God and live a life of spiritual purpose. We were created to live by choice, based on reason, with the ability to enjoy creation.

Our Purpose 

We can see in Genesis that our purpose is to reflect God’s character in faithfulness, mercy, justice, righteousness, love, and holiness, as well as to fill the earth, pro-create, and rule by being responsible stewards of what God has entrusted to us. When two become one in marriage, they are better able to fulfill this role. Man and woman have different functions but the same value; their unification is a reflection of ELOHEEM, God the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sin is a distortion of our original design. Because of the fall, we see relationships broken between man and God, man and man, and man and creation.

God’s heart is broken over sin. Genesis 6:6 reads: "God was sorry He created man, and He repented for having created him." God didn’t desire  evil, but man was created to be free, and with freedom there is power for life and death. Man "knew" what was right and wrong, but had never experienced it. Satan lied by tempting Eve into experiencing sin for herself so she could "truly" know good and evil. As stewards of creation, we have the ability to choose.

When we look at God’s intimate relationships with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, we can see that He is patient and willing to disciple His children. Despite living in a fallen world, men can seek God and live for Him, be used by God to transform the nations. Genesis is the book of beginnings, design, and purpose for man and the nations, and it gives readers deeper insight into who is God.

This is just a portion of the teachings you will receive during The Bible School for the Nations. The BSN uses a chronological methodology to study Scripture in order to see the hand of God and His eternal purposes in history. Are you ready to dive deep into the Word of God? Apply Now!  

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