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The Children We Met

Geertje Caliguire September 18, 2018



The moment of interlocking of eyes with a child is unlike any other. It brings us into tenderness and simplicity as we giggle and enter into precious companionship. We seek, and give all we can to love a child, because our God first loved us. We go to the ends of the earth, simply to share the love God has for His children, because God had first invited us into the greatest story we could ever be part of. A story that breaks through all language barriers, economic standings, and difficulties we face. From cities, jungles, and mountaintops God has called us to go and love like He's loved us. But in return, we've experienced the depths of God's love through these children. 







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God's love is so deeply felt through the love of a child. Simple, yet profound. Limitless. 

Do you have a heart for children? Click the button below to find out more about how you can get involved with children's ministry, opportunities, and how you can change the lives of those around you.  

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