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How to Do Church From Home: A Lesson From the Early Church

Geertje Caliguire March 27, 2020


We’re in a time where we’ve been called back to our homes, our neighborhoods, and our families. From wherever we were to where we are now, we have been commissioned and appointed for such a time as this.

All of humanity is stepping into an unprecedented time of deep grief, yet there seems to be this underlying feeling of something great in the works. 

God does create beauty out of ashes, doesn’t He? As YWAM’s co-founder, Darlene Cunningham said recently, “We’re in a time where God is out to prove Himself great.

So, what is our role as Christians amidst all of this? You see, the incredible thing about faith is that grief and hope aren’t seen as separate realities for us. They actually walk hand-in-hand; we see this in the story of the Cross and the Resurrection. Amidst the brokenness, Jesus teaches us to expect the miraculous.


Let’s bring it home. Your dining room has now become a prayer room, your kitchen a place of service and blessing, and your couches are now the pews. Your home must now reflect the church more than ever before.

We’ve put together some thoughts about what “church at home” could look like. Regardless of where you’re living--whether it be with your family or roommates--we pray it instills in you new hope and inspiration of what beauty could arise.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

We begin with devotion to the teachings of the Bible. Let yourself be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Soak up the fruits of the Spirit, and actively pursue them in your life. Sit in prayer with Jesus, and pray with and for those around you. Have you ever had communion with your house members? There’s something beautiful and unifying about sharing in the Lord’s Supper. It might feel like a big step for you… but we encourage you to take that step of faith.

“Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.” Acts 2:43

We are great candidates for a miracle right now, so why not pray for those miracles over one another? Pray for physical healings and also for emotional healing. We are in a time where the world is hurting, so let your words bring life and encouragement to your family members. Sow into them, and live in awe of the wonders God is doing around you and through you.


“All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” Acts 2:44-45

Are there any needs you can see in your home that you can respond to? Or needs that you have, that you could invite others into? The church in Acts 2 was vulnerable with one other, sharing their worries and issues. When we invite others into those hard areas of our lives, God’s heart for community and church is revealed to us more and more.

“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.” Acts 2:46

They didn’t just live together--they met with intentionality and purpose. They met with a desire to pursue a relationship with one another. God shows us over and over again in the Bible that He loves relationship and that we were built for the richest community imaginable. This is an excellent opportunity to strengthen relationships with those around you.

“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” Acts 2:46

As you gather around the table for mealtimes, ask good questions and find out how people are feeling throughout all that’s happening in the world. Praise God for His good works! Talk about how you witnessed God move in your day and meet each other with gratefulness.


We understand this may not apply to everyone. Some of us are the only Christians in our families, and it’s possible that some of this won’t be well received by those you live with.

It’s not just our words that can showcase God’s redemptive love, but it’s through our actions and how we live our daily lives that will speak volumes.

So start there. How can you serve? How can you love those around you? It could start with a simple, “How are you, and how are you feeling today during all of this?”

God is with you and He is for you. You are out to prove God great and we’re expectant of the miraculous that God will do during such a unique time in our history.

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