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YWAM BSN TESTIMONY - Take Your Bible Off The Shelf

YWAM Mazatlan August 25, 2016



Attending the BSN (Bible School for the Nations) was a desire I had during my DTS (Discipleship Training School), after growing more in my relationship with God I wanted more knowledge of His Word to be able to share with others. I had never read the bible in it’s entirety, and was a Christian for over thirty years. My bible sat on the bookshelf, and was rarely opened. I attended bible studies, but only focused on the scriptures that were referenced by the author, and even memorized a few. The bible never seemed relevant to me, and I only opened it when I was seeking answers.


A couple months ago, our staff watched the YWAM Together conference on You Tube, and we were reminded of the importance of helping end bible poverty by our founder, Loren Cunningham. I learned many people do not have access to bibles in their own language, some have never seen a bible, others can’t afford a bible, and not to mention those who have never been taught how to read. My heart broke, and I began to cry as I
realized the free gift of God’s word, that I had never fully unwrapped.

You can imagine the idea of spending four months studying God’s Word was a little intimidating at first. There are many books I misunderstood, and being a full-time student had it’s own challenges. There were many words I was unable to pronounce, however, we were given amazing study tools to find their meaning that I will use for the rest of my life! In every week, I  discovered more of God’s character and read the entire bible in just 14 weeks!


God has opened my eyes to see His beautiful plan for creation, and the love that He has for us. He has been patient with me, and I’ve been given the opportunity to seek the truth for myself. God’s Word is very much alive today and He is speaking truth to me through the pages of my bible!  We were given the confidence we needed through the scriptures to teach the Word to others, and saw the bible come to life when we did ministry in Stone Island. Choosing to attend the BSN was the best decision I’ve made in my spiritual journey, and I am excited to see how the rest of His story unfolds! The bible is full of adventure, love stories, battles and victories. I hope you take yours off the shelf and enroll for our next Bible School for the Nations starting in September!

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Do a DTS in Mazatlan


Read "16 reasons why you should do your YWAM DTS in Mazatlan, Mexico" 




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