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3 Tips to Help You on Your Journey to Becoming a Missionary

Laura Uebele December 10, 2019


It's human nature to over complicate things, but sometimes we don't need to have everything figured out in order to make a decision. For instance, if you're considering becoming a missionary, you're probably overwhelmed with thinking about training, finances, where to go, what to do, and how to do it. Those are all realities that need to be addressed, but the single most important thing you can do is simply say, "yes". Below are three tips to help you along on your journey to become a missionary.




Know God's Vision


“Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations...”

- Matthew 28:19


Those were the last words of Jesus before he ascended into heaven.  Don't worry about directly receiving a calling – you already have one. The question isn't, "Should I go?" The question is, "Have you called me to stay?" God is inviting you to be a part of His worldwide mission, whether that means working in your own neighborhoods or traveling to an unreached tribe in north Africa. If you're a believer, then you can hear God's voice, and He might already be laying something on your heart. So just ask Him! Where is God calling you?




Share the Vision


Once you get the call to go, the next step is to share your vision with your friends, family, and church community. Let them get behind you, support you, and pray with you before you set out on the actual mission.  You're not meant to be a lone ranger -- the word missionary actually means “sent one”. Who's going to send you?



Join a Missions Team and GO!


God's already doing amazing things around the world. From medical missions to working in schools to Bible translation, there are thousands of missionary organizations, each with their own unique DNA. With all these different options to choose from and so many ways to get involved, there's bound to be one ministry that will "click" with you. So what are you waiting for?


"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."

- John 14:12


Become a Missionary

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