For many of us, this is the most world-shaking season we’ve ever endured in our lifetimes. Every time we scan the news we hear of more catastrophes, damage, and death. This season of COVID-19 will mark our lives forever.
The question is... How will it mark your life? What will your life look like when you can return to ‘normal’ or whatever ‘normal’ will be like then? We believe that God is raising up the church in immaculate ways. Compassion is sweeping through the nations as we look to care for one another however we can. An outpouring of grace is unfolding before our very eyes as people sacrifice, give, and protect one another the best we know how, amidst hard circumstances. We’re all on the same team. We’re all fighting the same enemy of ‘COVID-19’. What will that do to our hearts towards one another?
There are many reasons to become a missionary, but in light of recent world events, here are three key reasons why you should consider responding to the call to missions.
Experts say that for the first time since 1998, global poverty will increase. At least a half billion people could slip into destitution by the end of the year. What took years of millions upon millions of people working together, and even more working hard to push themselves out of poverty, will be destroyed within months. This means that the compassion to help one another can’t stop when the virus does, but actually needs to continue and explode in multiplication.
How do we do that? Well, we’re going to need you. As Youth With A Mission (YWAM), our heart is to train, equip, and send out missionaries across the globe. We want to help and serve however it’s needed, and that list gets longer and longer the more we read the news. To respond, we are going to need a lot more people. And in case you missed it, we’re going to need you.
Truth is, we’ve been stuck inside our homes, limited to outside entertainment and distractions. This has helped us to identify what we value and what’s truly the most important to us— relationships, love, compassion, community, and helping the most vulnerable. For many of us, this has been a season where our gears are turning and our eyes are shifting from the material to the eternal. From what will never satisfy us, to the satisfaction of Jesus Christ. What does your heart long for now? What impact do you want to leave in this world? You’ve got one life to live and God has remarkable plans for it if you only allow yourself to listen and obey.
There are many of us that are hungry to help, give, do anything we can to help the situation in the world. At the moment, the best thing that’s been asked of us is to stay home and do “nothing”. But soon, and very soon, the day will come where we can go, respond, and help those most in need. When that day comes, we’re going to need all hands on deck.
Why our Discipleship Training School (DTS) might be the best for you
We’re passionate about training young people. We’re passionate about sharing the love of Christ through serving and loving. We don’t want to serve blindly—instead, we’re about relationships. With us, you start with 3 months of intensive training: a time dedicated to your relationship with God, and a season where you learn more about who He is and His outrageous love for you. Then from that overflow of love, we send you out to the nations, to love as He first loved you. To serve and minister and give and sacrifice for the most vulnerable across our world.
So, when this is all over, we’re going to need you more than ever. The world is going to need the love, gifts, and passions that God has placed within you. We’re looking to train more and more people, and once you complete your Discipleship Training School with us, you can join YWAM anywhere in the world as a full-time volunteer missionary.
If you’ve already finished your DTS, would you consider joining us? Don’t let this season pass you by in boredom and distraction. Tune into what God has for you in this next season worldwide. Listen, obey, and don’t give up. We’ll be here, ready for you!
At the end of February, a team from our home church, Hope Chapel Maui, came to YWAM Mazatlan to build a home with our..
Youth With A Mission, or YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), is a global youth missions movement dedicated to knowing God and..
Perhaps you're looking ahead to an upcoming mission trip, or you're only just thinking about getting involved in..