Mazatlan, Mexico has its perks and its downsides. 38°C (100°F) with 100% humidity in the summertime is definitely a downside. On the other hand, Mazatlan has near-perfect weather in the winter, (24°C or 75°F) hundreds of beaches, incredible waves, malls, movie theaters, and, of course the crown jewel of perks: the most incredible, unbelievable taquerías, or taco stands.
In this blog, we will go over three of YWAM Mazatlan's favorite taco stands, each with a particular style and specialty. We can't promise you they're the best tacos in Mexico-- there could be dozens of hidden gems out there just waiting for you to discover -- but if you give these 3 taquerías a shot, you will not be disappointed. If you're worried about things being too spicy, never fear! Most places will ask you if you want to make your tacos "picante" or not. If you say no, they will come out pretty mild. Just make sure to test the salsas on your table before you add them to your taco -- especially the green one!
Hector's is only open at night, and expect that you will be eating with other customers at a long, plastic table set up on the sidewalk. They usually wire a TV and set it on a parked pickup on the street so you can watch baseball or telenovelas while you wait. The service here is exceptional, the tacos are cheap, and your meal will be prepared for you by none other than Hector himself. There are no menus, so just order your favorite dish from other taquerías, or ask Hector if you're not sure what you want.
Upon the first bite, you will wonder how you were ever able to live a full and complete life without tasting something from Hector's. The amount of flavor they are able to pack into a single taco is mind-blowing. Help yourself to any additional toppings from the center of the table, including guacamole, radishes, pico de gallo, and lime. If you're feeling adventurous, ask if they have any receta agua de ciruela, or fresh plum juice. You won't regret it!
Hector's is located on a street corner about a 10 - 15 minute walk from the base, so ask a staff member for directions. Keep in mind they are only open at night, so be sure to go with a group! Don't confuse Hector's with "Hector's Bistro", which is another restaurant entirely.
This is Mazatlan's very own taquería specializing in pastor (spit grilled pork). Norberto's forte is making quesadillas and chorreadas, or Mexican "sope" style tacos. Many may claim these ae the best tacos in Mazatlan, but the other taquerías on this list put up a good fight. You'll have to try them and see for yourself.
Open only on the weekends. Ask directions from a staff member.
Playa Sur is arguably one of the best taquerías in Mexico. Key word here being "arguably", but in the eyes (or mouths) of 99 out of 100 taco connoisseurs, Playa Sur is legendary. Don't miss out on their famous carne asada, or Mexican grilled steak. They do make old-fashioned tacos, but don't stop there: what you want are the huge quesadillas, chorreadas (grilled to smokey perfection), or vampiros, which are tortillas grilled until crispy and topped with meat and melted cheese. If you like potatoes, the Papas Locas are also a classic.
Playa Sur is only a 15-20 minute walk from the YWAM Base and offers free delivery service from 7-11pm every day.
Is your mouth watering yet? If you like tacos, be careful -- once you have them here, you won't want to eat them anywhere else! After a hard days of ministry, God often blesses us with nights of incredible tacos and incredible friends.
16 Reasons Why You Should Do Your YWAM DTS in Mazatlan
Every YWAM base is unique. They’re located in different countries, come in many different sizes, and often have totally..
We know how it goes. You've heard about YWAM, prayed, and decided to do a DTS, and now you're just looking for that..
Sure it may not be an original blog, but just in case the first 15 reasons weren't enough, here's 15 more reasons you..