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Beware, a YWAM DTS Could Ruin Your Life

Jordan Norris January 21, 2020


"Ruined for the ordinary."

I'll never forget those 4 words, because it was the best way I was able to describe how I felt after doing my 6-month Discipleship Training School with YWAM.

I'll say it again: "Ruined for the ordinary."

We go through life making so many plans and coming up with all these great ideas for the future. But sometimes, God perfectly ruins all of that in order to send us on an unforgettable, surprising adventure. Here are 3 things I did 


When I say, "a YWAM DTS could ruin your life," I am not speaking as a disgruntled critic who had a negative experience with YWAM in the past. Neither am I saying that God wants to ruin your life by destroying all of your dreams.

On the contrary, God loves your dreams, and he created you to have your own unique skills and passions. The "ruining" part comes in when we allow God to take control of our lives. Often times our human plans fall apart when we see how much more he has in store for us if are willing to follow him above all else.

When we no longer cling to our own dreams and instead allow God to lead us forward, we often discover that those dreams are actually made possible through us following his master plan.

More: 5 Unmistakable Qualities of the Pioneering Missionary 



Invite God into your life

If you are curious about allowing God to "ruin" your life, one of the best ways you can start exploring this idea is by doing a 6-month Discipleship Training School. You can read more about DTS here, but in essence, it's a missionary training program that'll walk you through the steps you need to take in order to make God the true center of your life.

You'll learn the truth about who God is and how to hear his voice! DTS gives you the opportunity to get away from outside distractions, learn from experienced speakers, and grow from the inside out.

In the second half of your DTS, you'll get to taste what life is like on the mission field, taking all your newfound knowledge with you on a 3-month 'outreach'. You'll serve others through evangelism and mercy ministry all while experiencing different cultures, countries, cities, and languages. There's no telling how God will speak to you, how His words will impact your life, or where He will tell you to go next!

More: 13 Reasons Why You Should Do Your DTS in Mazatlan, Mexico

Let God "ruin" your plans

I never imagined that I'd be living in Mexico. I never imagined I would learn a new language and culture, or have the chance to spread God's love around the world by utilizing my skills in media. Had I know all of this beforehand, I probably would have paid more attention in my high school Spanish classes!


YWAM Mazatlan gave me a platform to be able to work in media, and it was through becoming a full-time missionary that I realized how I could use photography and video to expand the kingdom of God. That's something I love about YWAM Mazatlan—we know you have dreams and ambitions just like us! You have skills, gifts, and talents. Our challenge to you is this: what if you took the time to allow God to show you how to use the gifts He's given you?

"Ruined for the ordinary." I'm not kidding when I say that your life will never be the same after DTS. That secure, run-of-the-mill job and comfortable life you have planned out might not turn out to be what you wanted after all.

If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that I've never been happier and more fulfilled than where I am now in the center of God's will for my life. I am no longer guided by my limited human perspective, but His glorious and limitless one.

Do a DTS in Mazatlan

3 Ways to Jump-Start Your YWAM DTS Fundraising

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