When we have a love relationship, we seek to know that person, her/his history, aspirations for the future, what likes and dislikes they may have, all for the purpose of honoring and nourishing that relationship. In the same way, God chose to make Himself known through His Word, the Bible.
From Genesis to Revelation each of the 66 books tells us about who He is, His nature and character, what He is passionate about, what He likes and what He does not, as well as what He seeks in people's hearts: to love Him above all things and to love our neighbor as oneself. As children of our Heavenly Father, it is a delight to know Him and transform ourselves to be as He is (1 John 3: 2).
God has called us to have a relationship with Him to "proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Peter 2: 9). His excellences are that He loves, forgives, provides, protects, leads, does justice on our behalf, etc. The longing of God is that everyone knows Him and He put it clear in The Great Commission of "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15) ... He wants everyone in the world to know Him! He seeks to have a relationship of reconciliation and love with all people! His written Word, The Bible, teaches us throughout history that it is God who has the initiative to reach out to lost mankind. In the same way, His book teaches us how to reach out to this world.
When we contemplate ourselves in a mirror we see the exact reality of our person. The mirror shows the image of who we are, without adding or removing anything; it shows the virtues and imperfections just as they are. In the same way, when we study the Bible, God shows us the real condition of our souls: it confirms in us what we are doing well and corrects us in what we can improve “until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ."(Eph 4:13). The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. (Heb. 4:12).
For this and more, we invite you to our coming Bible School for Nations (BSN). Lecture Phase will be from August 24th to December 15th, 2017; Outreach Phase will be from December 16th, 2017 to February 16th, 2018. Six months that will transform your relationship with God and knowledge of His word! BSN will a loving mark of “before” and “after” in your walk with God!
The Bible School for the Nations is a 6-month course designed for those that are interested in deepening their..
Attending the BSN (Bible School for the Nations) was a desire I had during my DTS (Discipleship Training School), after..