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6 Online Tools to Pursue Relationship with God in this Season

Geertje Caliguire April 15, 2020


Some of us are asking: How do we make the most of our time? How can we pursue a relationship with Christ in new ways? As the weeks wear on, you might find yourself lacking the motivation you once had to read and study the Bible, or maybe you would just love some resources to accompany you in this season. Here we’ve listed a few tools we hope will help you in the adventure of it all. 

We believe God is raising up the biggest revival we have yet seen in our lifetimes as the majority of people all around the globe are forced to stay indoors and suddenly have more time on their hands. What if God is preparing you to be part of the biggest wave of missionaries this world has ever seen? How will you prepare? 

We hope you use this time well and that this list is able to provide you with some resources to do so. We also hope to see you join us on the mission field when this is all over, spreading the gospel and giving glory to God for all He’s done.


1. The Bible Project

If you haven’t heard of this, now is the perfect time! The Bible Project exists as a platform to learn and grow in our understanding of Christ. There are so many videos that are incredibly well illustrated and explain different stories and contexts of the Bible. From videos on specific books, characters, even specific words within the Bible, this is an incredible tool that can teach you from the comfort of your own home! Try to listen to one every day, or every time you start a new book in the Bible, take 15 minutes to watch the corresponding videos. Learn, study, and be wowed by what you could learn! Here’s one to start: 


2. Spotify or Apple Music

You could check out our YWAM Mazatlan playlists here, make your own, or scout these platforms for incredible worship playlists that can accompany you as you wake up, take a shower, bake, or do any other quarantine-related activities. Get into a routine of listening to worship music at some part of each day, and find uninterrupted rest time devoted to just giving thanks to God.


3. Online Bible Study

Reach out to your church and see if they’re offering any weekly studies and if not, we've listed two below we've heard good things about. Or… why not start your own? Maybe this is a project you’ll get to try during this time. Gather a group of friends, pick a book of the Bible, set a weekly time, and process what you learn together!

Brave Love Women Bible Study

Upperroom Bible Study

4. Sermons/Sunday Morning Messages

Make sure you’re tuning into some sort of message that’s given every week! Find teachers you respect and set a time weekly. For many of us, that’s Sunday morning with our local churches, but maybe you still need to get into a rhythm. Reach out to friends to get connected to their online services, or seek advice on Instagram and Facebook. Maybe it’s even a different church or organization each week, but there are so many messages of hope and encouragement going out these days. 


5. Podcasts 

What better time to start a podcast series than now? Again, ask your friends what they are listening to, or look on social media platforms. But give yourself some time to figure out what could best encourage you in this season, and make it a goal to make it through a whole series.

6. YouVersion Bible App

There are many Bible Apps out there, and we’re recommending the YouVersion one! They have loads of bible reading plans that you could start, verses of the day, ability to download the Bible in whatever version you’d like, and also ways to connect with believers around the globe.

Throughout the Bible it shows characters taking periods of rest before they began or continued their ministry. That may be the exact place you find yourself at right now. God is preparing you for what’s next, no matter what season you were in. Remember that God’s plan is the best, even when we can’t see it. Trust Him. Allow Him to prune you and prepare you in this season for what’s coming. 


We know from the most beautiful story in history that beauty comes out of ashes. Friday brought the heartbreak of the crucifixion, and Sunday brought the risen King. But right now, globally, it's kind of like we are living through that Saturday before His resurrection. We’re in the waiting. We know that Hope lives in us, and He gives us a small glimpse of the spectacular that’s about to take place.

Though we’re on a pause, we believe God is calling a bigger wave of young people than ever before into the mission field. Please consider joining us. It won’t be long before we are running our missionary training programs, like DTS, WISE, and BSN.

Already done your DTS? We need a huge number of staff to help prepare for, train, and serve the “tsunami” of missionaries that God is going to send our way. We need you, so apply for staff today!

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