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5 Ways to Partner With YWAM Ships Mazatlan (Volunteer Opportunities)

Brennan Kelly November 18, 2020
YWAM missionary volunteers prepare dental equipment to serve locals in Mazatlan, Mexico in a mobile medical brigade


Whether you’re new to YWAM Mazatlan or you’ve been around for a while, chances are you’ve discovered that we have our very own ship, the M/V Amazing Grace. God has given us this ship to bring the light of the gospel to the unreached through acts of service and ministry.

The Amazing Grace is outfitted for outreach to isolated locations along the coast of Mexico and beyond. We’re looking for a full team of volunteers to help run, pilot, and maintain our YWAM ship, as well as minister to the people we seek to serve.

Sounds cool, right? We sure think so.

Have you ever considered offering your skills in service to spread God’s love to the isolated? YWAM Ships Mazatlan might just be the answer you’re looking for! We’re on the lookout for skilled helpers to serve in specific areas, as well as general volunteers.

Young volunteer missionary filling a prescription for Mexican woman at a YWAM Mazatlan medical bridage

The main thing we are looking for are people who have attitudes like Christ showed us to have:

“...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:26-28)

Do you want to be considered great by God’s standard? If so, we want to encourage you to consider serving with us here in YWAM Ships Mazatlan. We love people and have a burning desire to bring hope to the nations through this ministry and we want you to know you can be a part of this mission too.

Below are 5 ways you can consider partnering with us.

Learn More About YWAM Ships

1. Marine volunteer

Many of the locations we access are extremely isolated and sometimes uncharted, leading us to need a number of qualified mariners to operate the ship. This includes marine engineers, deck officers, and crew.

Do you have experience working on a ship? We’d love for you to consider offering your skills to help crew the Amazing Grace. When you enquire, make sure to let us know your experience and qualifications and we’ll get in touch with you!

YWAM missionary volunteers prepare dental equipment to serve locals in Mazatlan, Mexico in a mobile medical brigade

2. Healthcare volunteer

We serve the isolated with primary health care, dentistry, and optometry clinics; to do this, we require a wide variety of professionals in these areas.

If you have healthcare expertise outside of these areas, please let us know, as our outreaches are not limited only to those listed above. We can look at expanding our program depending on the professionals we have on board at any given time.

3. General volunteer

You don’t need to have a certain expertise to volunteer with us, just a willing heart to serve. Simply let us know what skills you have, how you would like to serve with us.

We would love to utilize any unique talents you may have that are outside of the areas we have mentioned. There are also opportunities for you to learn necessary skills while you serve on the ship.

Read more: 9 Things You Probably Didn't Know About YWAM Ships

YWAM missionary smiling at his team members while traveling to their next outreach location

4. Bring a team

Church or business teams are welcome to volunteer on board our YWAM ship. Please register your interest early as team spots tend to fill very quickly!

Your team can help build houses at the locations we travel to through partnership with our ministry Homes of Hope. Your team could also be part of distributing free Bibles alongside our Bibles for Mexico ministry.

5. Become a donor

Putting boots on the ground isn’t the only way to reach the isolated for Christ. We need people with a heart for the gospel, for healthcare, and marine ministry to partner with us financially.

Ships can be expensive to run and maintain, but the funds invested in gasoline and upkeep are what helps make it possible to minister to the unreached. Your donations, monthly or one-time, will help us pay for maintenance, fuel, mooring, and ministry materials, etc.

As a pioneering ministry, we also have a great need for in-kind donations such as diesel fuel, medical supplies, and kitchen and marine equipment. Click here to make a donation now.


This is a pioneering ministry—a new frontier for us. We’re excited to see where God takes it in the coming months and years!

Whether you’re skilled in your labor, or you simply have a heart to serve—we would love for you to consider joining in our mission to “Engage the Isolated”. Fill out the form below and let’s get in touch!

Learn More About YWAM Ships

Read more: What You Need to Know About YWAM Ships Mazatlan

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