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15 MORE Reasons you should do your YWAM DTS in Mazatlan [Photoblog]

Jordan Norris September 18, 2015


Sure it may not be an original blog, but just in case the first 15 reasons weren't enough, here's 15 more reasons you shouldn't need to think twice about doing your YWAM DTS Training with us in Mazatlan.

1. Just in case you forgot this view



2. Be a part of ministries that change whole communities 




3. Give someone like this a roof over her head




4. Provide health care for those who can't afford it




5. Teach these kids about God through a soccer club



6. And give them their first bibles!



7. Surf this wave on the weekend



8. Or if you don't want to go in the ocean, beach-volleyball is a good alternative



9. Let God call you and take you all over the world



10. From local outreaches in Mexico to Asia and beyond 



11.  Sending Mexicans to the nations


12. "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news" -Isaiah 52:7



13. Maybe end up swimming with this guy on your day off



14. And last but not least, don't forget the sunsets...



15. Yes, this happened


YWAM DTS is all about you getting to know God deeper and sharing that love with others, but with YWAM locations all over the world, we hope to see you here with us!

Do a DTS in Mazatlan

15 reasons why you should do your YWAM DTS in Mazatlan


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