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YWAM W.I.S.E. School: On Earth as in Heaven

Kara Hart October 28, 2014


Our yearly Carnaval ministry is a perfect example of using Worship, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, and Evangelism (W.I.S.E.) together to change the atmosphere and reach out to the thousands of people that come to Mazatlán for Carnaval. 

The inspiration for the W.I.S.E. School comes from the life of Jesus and how He lived a supernatural life. The school was pioneered here at YWAM Mazatlán out of a need to see the power of Jesus move in our ministries.



1. Worship

Worship puts in the forefront the things that is most important to us. By putting God in the forefront we give God the glory that is due to Him. We give Him authority in our life to be number one. Everything that Jesus did He did for the Father and because of the Father. Jesus worshiped the Father and put Him before everything else in His life. “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23 We long to bring this generation into true adoration of the Father and into a corporate battle cry of "Come, Lord Jesus!" In WISE school we learn what true worship is, different ways to worship and how to use Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, and Evangelism to bring Worship to God and His kingdom to earth.



2. Intercession 

God does not want to work on His own. Throughout the Bible God has partnered with man in all of creation. One way we have the ability to partner with God is through intercession. Intercession has to do with intimacy; partnering with God to see transformation of people and places. Intercession is a powerful tool that we have, that many of us do not use in our own lives. We have been given authority to see things changed spiritually and naturally through us partnering with God's heart in intercession. “Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” Luke 6:12 Jesus was passionate about interceding for his Beloved, and we are too. Intercession is not just prayer, it is stepping in on behalf of someone or something in order to see God will done.



3. Spiritual Warfare

Whether we want to believe it or not we live in a spiritual world. There is in fact an enemy of our souls that is at work to destroy God's creation. There is an amazing wealth of breakthrough available to us in our struggle as mankind. Jesus has given us an incredible authority to bring breakthrough in our own lives and in the lives of others. “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Luke 10:19 Warfare is not just casting out demons... warfare is a lifestyle and can be done through evangelism, intercession, worship and we will examine the life of Jesus and examine what He did to bring breakthrough in the spirit, peoples lives, and places.


4. Evangelism 

There are many ways we can do evangelism. It's not just an event you do every week, it's a lifestyle. If the Holy Spirit lives in you, you are bringing the power and the love of God to every person you encounter- whether you know it or not. Evangelism is us partnering with God to bring life to people, to love on people, to connect them with the Creator. In the WISE we will learn from the life of Jesus and how he lived a life of evangelism, giving life and hope of His salvation. We will learn how to be equipped and ready to give the Father's lost children a refreshing prophetic word from His heart and how to always be ready and on guard for who the Lord wants to love on.  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20



Jesus is the testimony of the perfect son. We desire to walk in the same relationship He had with the Father and in doing so bring Heaven to Earth. During the WISE School our goal is to grasp a new understanding of what Worship, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, and Evangelism truly mean and model our lives after Jesus. We want to become more like Jesus and see the great miracles of the Bible done today. We want to partner with God and His Kingdom to fulfill the Great Commission. God wants to equip us through relationship and through knowledge to be effect for Him.

Video-WISE Durango Testimonies 

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