I’ve had celiac disease my whole life. However, it wasn't until my body began to shut down that I realized that something was wrong.
Little did I know I had been eating something that was considered poison to my body for so long and it was negatively affecting my immune system. Long story short, it was severe.
If I ate gluten, even just a bite, I would pass out. My body just couldn't handle it. Going into my DTS this allergy was a huge stressor for me. I was stressed about how I was going to eat on outreach, how I was going to make meals work here on base, and at times, it's exhausting to feel like people have to accommodate you for every meal.
I had been praying and asking God to heal me from this allergy, specifically because I desperately wanted the freedom to be able to eat whatever I’d be given throughout missions.
In preparation for Carnaval we had a time of 12 hours of intercession and right in the beginning a friend opened it up with praying healing over each other, followed by prayer over our friends and families, and then praying for healing for those we will encounter in Carnaval. My dear friend Elizabeth turned to me and began to declare healing over my body.
She prayed, “God we declare full healing over Hannah right now. In your name we thank you that she’s healed, that she can eat gluten, that she can enjoy all food.” Suddenly, I felt this weight enter my throat. I felt like something was pulling it down and as it hit my stomach it got cold. When it reached my gut it was even heavier and colder, almost uncomfortable. As Elizabeth said “Amen!” that weight and chill flowed through my legs and out my body.
It was CRAZY! To give some context, it was around 1:15 AM at the time, and a couple days before I had eaten 3 Doritos (which here in Mexico contain gluten) and I ended up passing out for 3 hours. I had been really exhausted and drained since then (it typically takes about 3 weeks for gluten to fully leave the body).
When this cold heavy feeling moved through my body and left through my feet, my whole body felt lighter and full of energy. That was weird because it was the middle of the night and before that I was still feeling drained, with gluten still in my system!
I was totally totally healed! That weekend we had a medical brigade and guess what I ate for lunch?! Gluten-filled pizza! 3 whole slices!
Not only did I not pass out, but I was full of energy and later that day I ate breaded, soy sauce covered Chinese food for the first time in 7 years!
It’s been about 2 months of me eating gluten and it’s been such a gift. God has shown me how much he cares about me, and that he wants to give me cookies, donuts, and cake and celebrate with me as I enjoy them.
It’s like being a little kid again, getting excited about Oreos and cereal, cheesecake and flour tortillas! I’ve been able to dance with my Father and let him twirl me around, thanking him for cupcakes and French toast.
God sees you, He loves you, and He wants to bless you in big and little things. It’s been the coolest gift! Now every time I eat gluten, it’s a mini dance party in Heaven, a reminder to me of God’s thoughtfulness and love for me.
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