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3 Reasons Why Your Outreach Should Come to Carnaval

Gabi Hunt December 19, 2014


Carnaval, which is said to be the third largest Mardi Gras in the world, thousands of people bombard the city each year ready to party with the masses. As one of YWAM Mazatlan’s mission trips, this outreach has a mandate to ‘transform Mazatlan one party at a time’. We invite teams from around the world, as well as the local church to partner with us as we plunge head first into the 6 day festival. Our outreach is broad and focused on children, youth, and adults. Performing arts, skate and graffiti competitions, free coffee and hair cuts, are just a few ways YWAM Mazatlan demonstrates the love of God to this major party.



1.) Cross Cultural Experience

Different language. Different way of life. People who probably have a background distinct to yours. Experience Mexican culture during your time here and watch how God uses you to transcend cultural differences to make an impact for the kingdom. You’ll have a better understanding of the culture, the beauty, and the things God is transforming. Don’t let the possible language barrier hold you back you either, here at YWAM Mazatlán we are a bilingual base, and the opportunities to share on the streets are endless with the translators on the base and our local friends who are more than excited about helping you dive into the world of Mexico.

2.) Ministry awaits your arrival

Worried about having to plan out your time here? Evangelism, intercession, worship, creative mercy ministries- it’s all a part of our yearly outreach. Each year we set up a beauty salon, complete with free hair cuts and nail painting, and always with opportunities to do more depending on the teams that come. A cafe accompanies the beauty salon, focused on giving away coffee to the families and individuals that take a break during the festivities, providing a safe place for them to come and rest and a time for intentional evangelism and relationship building. Does your team love expressing the gospel through creativity? We provide space in the cafe for live music and even dramas. During Carnaval as well in the evangelism teams that go out each night, the leaders of each team pray for strategy with the team, to be able to effectively the hundreds of people on the streets. An intercession team actively prays and stands in the gap for the ministry going on every night. The options are ready, and at the beginning of the outreach we will have a time of prayer and deciding what ministry teams to divide up in. Come jump into what awaits you!


3.) Opportunity to Connect with Other Teams from all over the world 

During the outreach threre is also an incredible opportunity to network. You will meet other DTS outreach teams from all over the world. We’ve had teams from Australia, Mexico, and the States, among other countries. Before the real  ministry starts we spend time getting to know one another through through games, activities, and times of worship. Outreach teams will be split up among the ministry teams, with the goal of creating those new relationships. Who knows, maybe you’ll connect with a team from another base and start building a bridge for a new outreach locations in the future! Maybe you’ll be inspired by the way other teams pursue Christ and people. Maybe you’ll find a lasting friend on your YWAM journey, that you will team up with again on an outreach somewhere else in the world, or who will come join you at your base someday. We also invite people from outside YWAM to get involved- church teams, volunteers, locals in the city. There are even more relationships that God can connect you with here in Mazatlan during Carnaval! Come and be inspired, be challenged, and get connected with other believers during your time here.

Carnaval is a perfect outreach location for YWAM DTS's from the incredible Mexican culture to open street evangelism opportunities the possibilities are endless! As YWAM Mazatlan we love having teams come from around the world to experience our Carnaval ministry. Our heart is to see the city of Mazatlán transformed one party at a time and we want to invite you to be apart of what God is doing here. 

If you are interested in bringing a team please email us at info@ywammazatlan.com 


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