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Adventures in Missions: An Incredible Time of Ministry in Ecuador

YWAM Mazatlan June 24, 2013


ecuador-outreachWhile we were in Cuenca, Ecuador we had the opportunity to go to a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation center to minister. We weren’t really sure how much time we had to be with the men there and had not been told what we would be doing. Upon arriving, we discovered that we had a couple hours and that we were permitted to preach.

Our whole group went into spontaneous-planning-mode and were prepared to do whatever we needed to on the spot. With in the next five minutes, we pulled together a short program incorporating some of our dramas, testimonies, and the Gospel message. We had been told before going to the center that these men were used to religious workers visiting them and would not be very interested to hear what we had to say. Nonetheless, we began anyways!

About an hour later we had done two skits and shared two testimonies. Near the end of our program one of the guys on our team asked the men if they would like to receive Jesus as their Saviour, after hearing him talk about what it meant to follow Christ and be saved. And contrary to what we had been told previously about them not wanting to hear “religious talk,” almost every single guy raised his hand and prayed to accept Jesus Christ as their own. It was an incredible time of ministry that allowed us to then speak individually with each man, listen to his story, and pray with him to break strongholds off of his life. We were able to return to the center a few days later and hold a Bible study with them to begin furthering them on their walk with God.

- Dallas Quantz

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