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10 Stunning Pictures From Students On Their YWAM DTS

Jonathan Norton May 15, 2015


With the July Media DTS coming up quickly we decided to show you guys 10 stunning photos taken by students on their DTS.  So sit back and enjoy!

1. Have you ever felt like you were on the path to paradise?

        Location: Philippines

        Photographer: Jonathan Norton

2. Family stands in the face of disaster.

        Location: Philippines

       Photographer: Steven Guasca

3. You've heard of snow days…

        Location: Cambodia

        Photographer: Paul Michaud

4. Lunch break with a view.

      Location: Mexico

     Photographer: Jordan Norris

5. When all else falls down the LORD stands strong.

         Location: Philippines

         Photographer: Kara Hart


6. When all the nations gather.

       Location: London

      Photographer: YWAM Mazatlan


7. Youthfulness is absent of age.

         Location: Cambodia

        Photographer: Paul Michaud

8. Where your family resides, there your heart will be also.

        Location: Mexico

        Photographer: Adrianna Flores

9. These streets are yours.

      Location: Mexico  

      Photographer: Dallas Quantz

10. A Smile is brighter than any sunrise.

       Location: Philippines

       Photographer: Miguel Lopez

If you're interested in taking photos and videos in a YWAM DTS, come visit us for the July Media DTS in YWAM Mazatlan! For more info click the link below: 


24 Instagram Pictures That Will Inspire You to Become a Missionary

15 reasons why you should do your YWAM DTS in Mazatlan

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