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3 Ways to Make Your Gap Year Adventure Matter

Jonathan Norton August 19, 2015


When I graduated high school I really didn't want to go to college.  I didn't want to step into a career at 18 years old, and I REALLY didn't want to mooch off my parents for the rest of my life...So I moved to YWAM Mazatlan, Mexico.  Now before you think I'm too crazy, just hear me out!  I'm going to give you a few ways to make a gap year matter. 


Don't start a gap year without a plan. 

When I decided that I was going to do a YWAM DTS, it wasn't a last minute decision.  It was a calculated choice.  It requires time and effort to raise money and become well prepared for a trip.  You also want to know that it is actually what you're supposed to do.  As Paul says in Philipians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in all things through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God."  


Focus on learning something from it! 

When taking a gap year it's tempting to focus on doing a vacation instead of furthering yourself.  When doing a YWAM DTS there's a possibility for you to learn many things as well as travel the world.  You have the opportunity to learn a new language, learn a new culture, maybe you'll start writing? Maybe you'll start taking pictures and find that you really like it?  The opportunities are endless. 


Understand that you have the power to make a difference. 

We always think of making a difference as going to Japan to do tsunami relief or cleaning up after the typhoon that hit the Philippines; and don't get me wrong, that is making a difference, but sometimes we can make a difference simply by having a conversation over a cup of coffee. Or flashing a smile in someones direction. Some get recognition, some don't but change is no respector of whether or not we were noticed. 


So I hope that you're considering a YWAM DTS for your gap year!  I know God certainly moved in my life during my time on DTS. 


For more blogs check out the links below! 

5 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Do a YWAM DTS 

3 Lessons Learned From Living In the YWAM DTS Community 

6 Do's and Don't's of a YWAM DTS










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