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6 Do's and Don't's of a YWAM DTS

Jonathan Norton July 10, 2015


So you're thinking about DTS.  That's cool.  You want to do it right.  Rest easy, we're here to help.  Here's 6 Do's and Don't's while you're on your YWAM DTS!

1. Don't bring too many clothes! 

I get it. You're meeting all these new people and you want to look your best.  When outreach comes though, I promise, You're going to be upset with yourself. 


2. Do budget accordingly! 

We all know DTS isn't free.  Budgets can be tedious when you're first getting them set up; but they're worth it.  We want to honor God with all aspects of our lives, including money.



3. Don't be afraid to be social! 

And by social, I don't mean social media. One of the best parts of DTS is community.  You're coming to hang out with people from all over the world! You could be rubbing shoulders with anyone from an American to a Aussie!  Take it in, learning about other cultures can help you grow immensely.



4. Do try new foods! 

Have you ever had intestine tacos before? I hadn't until I came to Mexico and my friend told me I, "Had to try it!".  Guess what.  It's delicious! Food is a huge part of culture.  Experience it to the fullest! 


5. Don't worry about fitting in! 

At YWAM our goal is to know God and make Him known.  That being said we want to create a kingdom culture which means accepting everyone despite their quirks and interests! So whether you think you're weird or not.  You have a place here! 



6. Do believe that you can hear God! 

At YWAM we listen to the voice of God and we obey the voice of God. God speaks to us. He has different ways that he does this; but how can we hear if we don't believe that he speaks? God has a greater purpose for you.  Listen and obey. 


So, that's what I have for you guys!  I think that if you follow these 6 tips you will have a more enjoyable YWAM DTS experience. 



For more blogs, check the links below! 

20 Things You Should Know How To Do Before You Become a Missionary

24 Instagram Pictures That Will Inspire You To Become a Missionary

10 Reasons You Should Come To YWAM Mazatlan: Surf Edition


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