Take a look at these photos of YWAM students who are traveling, adventuring, and spreading the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. Here are 24 amazing shots from the field, and 24 reasons why you should become a missionary. Could you see yourself in any of these?
1. Experience culture first hand.
(photo by @rwiensy)
2. Sleep in a luxurious hut for 8 weeks.
(photo by @its_valpal)
3. Be the tool that God uses to bridge the gap.
(photo by @dylanrosevaughan)
4. Help stop modern-day slavery, one child at a time.
(photo by @renaynay218)
5. Hold a baby in every country.
(photo by @karahart)
6. Intercede for the nations in the nations.
(photo by @apriljlee)
7. Eat like the locals.
(photo by @lynacassimir)
8. Put your GoPro to good use.
(photo by @tarynheinz)
9. Experience it for yourself in real life...not just on the Discovery Channel.
(photo by @ellengracej)
10. Come face to face with inexplicable poverty and do something about it.
(photo by @meggalouwho)
11. Get hands-on experience.
(photo by @hannahbishop)
12. Hit all the points on your bucket list.
(photo by @mmmitzi)
13. Be a part of what the Lord is doing in the nations.
(photo by @jasonnettles)
14. Discover secret spots for your quiet times.
(photo by @cfiskeaux)
15. Study the Bible abroad.
(photo by @gabby_winters)
16. Explore exciting places.
(photo by @blckbeth)
17. Wake up with a view like this.
(photo by @micahmadsen)
18. Mingle with the locals...
(photo by @aamychoe)
19. ...And ride like the locals.
(photo by @ashleedarlin)
20. Don't worry, there's coffee all over the world.
(photo by @lynacassimir)
21. Use your skills to change lives.
(photo by @ywammazatlan)
22. Help someone take their first selfie.
(photo by @itss_em)
23. Get the most out of your passport.
(photo by @rwiensy)
24. And after all that, don't be shocked if your shoes look like this.
(photo by @jacwiens)